No more sunlight waking you up: block light leaking in past the curtains by using a pool noodle

Very popular in urban areas and/or locations with high light pollution (and with those who work night shifts), blackout curtains create complete darkness in the bedroom, guaranteeing quality sleep. These are double-lined curtains, which block out light from windows almost completely.
That said, some light often manages to get through/past these curtains too, especially through the gap/s along the upper part and down the sides of the curtains.
The solution to this problem could be simpler than you think: an ingenious tip with a pool noodle can solve this issue for you. Keep reading:
Pool noodles to the rescue

Pau Casals/Unsplash
Follow these simple steps to use pool noodles to properly seal your blackout curtains:
- Cut a pool noodle along its length to create a slot to fit the curtain rod onto;
- Place the pool noodle over the curtain rod, securing it with insulation tape;
- Now close your curtains and check if the upper gap has been sealed.
This cheap, effective tip should work to prevent light from "leaking" into your bedroom.
More tricks using pool noodles

There are many other ways in which pool noodle can be useful around the home:
- Use them to hang your curtains properly and neatly: cut a pool noodle up into lengths and make an incision in the pieces lenghtwise. Then insert these pieces between one curtain ring and the next;
- By cutting a pool noodle lengthwise, you can create a handy draft excluder to fit under the door;
- Cut off a couple of pieces of a pool noodle and insert these into your boots; they will help your boots keep their shape when you are not wearing them;
- Make cute draft excluders for your windows by covering a pool noodle with recycled fabrics or socks;
- Make soft poufs by joining several pool noodles together and covering them with thick fabric.
How many other tips do you know about that use pool noodles?