Do you have empty glass bottles at home? Recycle them with these 8 creative projects

by Mark Bennett

January 23, 2024

Do you have empty glass bottles at home? Recycle them with these 8 creative projects

Glass is highly recyclable material, but many of us still end up throwing away empty glass bottles and jars. And while jars are frequently repurposed at, glass bottles are rarely used in this way. Glass bottles - like empty wine bottles - are usually dismissed for repurposing projects/crafts and are thrown away at recycling centers.

But before you take your next load of empty glass bottles to the recycling center, consider the 8 creative projects we suggest below:

1. Lamp shades

1. Lamp shades


Are you redecorating your home and don't know what lamp shades to use for your lights? Try using glass bottles! Definitely a unique and eco-friendly idea!


2. Bird feeder

A glass bottle can easily be transformed into a bird feeder - you just need the bottle, some string, a piece of fabric and a cork disc. Make the base with the cork and string, then fill the bottle with bird food and secure it to the base, leaving it slightly suspended so that the feed is dispensed easily.

3. Self-watering flower pot

3. Self-watering flower pot

Tutorial via Handimania/YouTube

If you have a green thumb, you will appreciate having a self-watering flowerpot. Making this with a glass bottle is very simple: cut a glass bottle a few centimeters below the point where the neck narrows, insert a cotton thread down this cutoff neck piece and then insert it - upside down - into the lower part of the bottle (which has been filled with water). Now, plant your plant in the upside-down neck piece: the cotton thread will slowly and continuously "transport" water to the plant's soil and roots.

4. Aperitif trays

4. Aperitif trays


Impress your guests with unique aperitif trays made from recycled empty glass bottles; you can create small bowls/trays by cutting along the lengths of the bottles laterally (as shown in this photo).

5. Candle holders

5. Candle holders

Tutorial via Over 60 Crafter/YouTube

Making DIY candle holders from glass bottles is also very simple: you can simply inserting the candles into the neck of glass bottles for a "on-the-fly" candle holder. But you can also cut off the bottom of a bottle and use it as a cover for a candle (leaving the top open to allow oxygen to get in). Finally, you can decorate the bottle itself.


6. Drinking glasses

6. Drinking glasses

Tutorial via ToDIYFor/YouTube

If your kitchen lacks drinking glasses, you don't need to go out and buy them! Recycle old bottles by cutting them to the appropriate height and you will have some truly unique, one-of-a-kind drinking glasses! How many drinking glasses do you need?

7. Goblets

7. Goblets

Tutorial via DaveHax/YouTube

But what if you need goblets? These can also be easily made from glass bottles: cut the upper and lower parts of the bottle, put a cork in the upper part to seal it properly and glue the lower part to the neck; your goblet is now ready to be used!


8. Decorative mandala

8. Decorative mandala

Tutorial via Lydia May/YouTube

Finally, you can easily turn a glass bottle into a wonderful decorative mandala by simply painting it with acrylics; create a design in your favorite colors to turn an empty glass bottle into a work of art.

Which project would you like to try first?
