No more balls of tangled necklaces: find out how to tidy up and display this jewelry tastefully

You are about to leave the house and you spot the necklace you want to wear, sticking out of a container and laying on top of all your other jewelry. You pick it up and a whole tangle of other necklaces comes with it a jumbled ball. This is very frustrating and can eat up precious time trying to untangle the necklace from a "Gordian Knot".
Why not take action to make sure this never happens again? Curious? Well, read on:
Select, divide into categories and then...

Start by gathering up all your necklaces: put them on a flat surface (table) which you've covered with a towel or a sheet to prevent them from slipping off. You can only ignore any necklaces that are already in their cases (which will usually be your most expensive, precious pieces).
Now untangle any of these necklaces, as necessary, placing them side by side and not worrying yet about dividing them by category (which comes later).
Once this is done, it's time to make some difficult decisions: Are there any necklaces we can give away? Are there any "beyond redemption" that can be thrown out? How many years has it been since you wore a specific necklace? Is this necklace one we really want to hold on to? Seeing all your necklaces together will help you make these (tough) decisions.
Once you've selected the necklaces to keep, divide them into two main categories: casual wear and elegant wear. Then, you can sub-divide these into material types (gold, silver, etc) and/or colors - this will help you determine how to store the necklaces.
After these chores have been done, you just need get the appropriate necklace/jewelry holders/containers/stands for them! Check out some of these below: in suitable containers. Here's someone to be inspired by

Jewelry boxes are ideal for keeping your more "up-market" necklaces in (and that you may have kept in individual cases). These jewelry boxes are great for saving space too.

If the box comes with internal dividers, it will also be more convenient to use as this reduces the the risk of them getting tangled.

For the necklaces that you use most often get a support/stand to hang them on - like the one you see pictured here.

These stands come in a myriad of types and styles: elegant, rustic, abstract... it all comes down to your tastes. But make sure the stands are the right size for your necklaces. If your necklaces fit, so will the rest of your other jewelry.

Then there are wall-mounted brackets with hooks atttached for those who don't have space for stands on the shelves or furniture tops.

Again, you have a wide choice of wall bracket models you can choose from - and you could also build you own quite easily with a bit of DIY.
Are you ready to sort out your necklaces once and for all?