Do your clothes and closets smell of mothballs? Eliminate this odor in an instant with these tips

by Mark Bennett

January 03, 2024

Do your clothes and closets smell of mothballs? Eliminate this odor in an instant with these tips

Moth balls have traditionally been used to protect furniture and clothes from damage caused by moths and other insects. For many, the smell of mothballs can be somewhat nostalgic, often reminding them of old homes and houses. Although the pungent odor of mothballs can be annoying, they have been proven to be very effective.

So, how do mothballs work? These balls slowly release a vapor/gas (paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene) that is toxic to insects - but which can be harmful to small animals too. And, in high doses, can even be harmful to humans. At the doses moth balls are sold in, they are harmless to humans and dissolve away in about 6 months to 1 year. However, the smell of mothballs persists for a lot longer time in our clothes, and this can be somewhat annoying.

So, how can we eliminate the smell of mothballs from our clothes? Well, keep reading to find out:

Remove the smell of mothballs from fabrics, furniture and rooms

Remove the smell of mothballs from fabrics, furniture and rooms

Wiki Farazi/Wikimedia Commons

There are specific remedies which can be applied, depending on the context:

  • If your clothes smell of mothballs, you will first need to air them out, then you can wash them by adding 250 ml of white vinegar to the water (if you wash by hand), or into the detergent dispenser (if you use a washing machine);
  • Sofas, beds, carpets and other furnishing fabrics be treated by airing out the room and then being sprinkled with baking soda; leave on to act for 15 minutes before removing with the vacuum cleaner;
  • Furniture can be treated/wiped down with vinegar after being aired out; if the smell persists, treat again with baking soda (as described above);
  • Finally, if a whole room has the smell of mothballs, air the room out and use activated charcoal or coffee grounds to absorb the smell.


Protect closets and clothes without using mothballs

Protect closets and clothes without using mothballs


Is there an alternative to using mothballs? The answer is yes and we detail these here:

  • Wash and dry your clothes carefully before putting them away, to prevent residual odors from attracting insects;
  • Wash out drawers and closets thoroughly before putting away clothes;
  • Keep clothes in sealed containers or plastic bags to prevent them from being infested by insects;
  • Use natural mixtures that can help you keep unwanted guests at bay: breathable bags with lavender flowers, for example, are very useful in repelling moths and leave a pleasant scent in the closets. Cloves can also be used alone or in conjunction with lavender flowers. You can also add cedar chips, which also repel insects.

Thanks to these tips, your home will be protected - and without unpleasant odors!
