Denatured alcohol can be used for plant care and to eliminate insects and other pests

by Mark Bennett

December 07, 2023

Denatured alcohol can be used for plant care and to eliminate insects and other pests

Cleaning is continuous chore in all our lives, whether we like it or not. Cleaning regularly and thoroughly is vital for our hygiene and it also helps to keep away insects and parasites that could be harmful to us too.

Alcohol comes to our aid for this purpose, but not just any type of alcohol: we are talking about denatured alcohol (aka meths or methylated spirits) and its many uses. However, it is extremely important to understand how to correctly use this liquid - used incorrectly, it can do more harm than good.


The secret of caring for plants with denatured alcohol

The secret of caring for plants with denatured alcohol


When you think of alcohol, you immediately think of cleaning and this is understandable. However, it is possible to use alcohol even for the care of your plants: if you have sick or "injured" plants, denatured alcohol could be the right solution for you!

Before carrying out any operation it is necessary to prepare properly: first, you need to ensure you get a denatured alcohol which is no more than 70%.

Once bought, it is very important to understand how to dilute this alcohol with water to meet your needs. Generally, when used on plants, the purpose is to eliminate parasites such as scale insects, mites and aphids. To do this, simply dilute the alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:4 - but be advised that this value could vary from plant to plant (more delicate plants will need to be treated with an even more diluted mixture).

Test your mix on one or two leaves and monitor their condition in the following days. Another piece of advice we would like to give you is not to spray the alcohol directly on the leaves but to use a lightly dampened cloth to dab on the areas where you want to remove the parasites. So, what about insect invading our home? Well, keep reading:


How to get rid of ants using denatured alcohol

How to get rid of ants using denatured alcohol

keeping it real/Flickr

Ants are one of the most commonly found insects in the home and can be very invasive: just a few crumbs of food on the floor - especially if of a sugary food - and the house can be overrun!

Fortunately, denatured alcohol is able to deal with this problem: an alcohol solution (70%), instantly kills the ants by drying out their exoskeleton! All you have to do is aim and spray. But there's more you can do.

Spray plenty of alcohol around the perimeter of the entrances to your home: by doing so, you will dissuade any insects from wanting to sneak into your house!
