Poinsettia mania: 10 creative ways to include Christmas Stars in your holiday decorations

by Mark Bennett

December 03, 2023

Poinsettia mania: 10 creative ways to include Christmas Stars in your holiday decorations

Who isn't familiar with Poinsettias, better known as Christmas Stars? They are those plants we see everywhere during the holidays, with flowers (which are actually leaves!) that are red, shaped like a star and atop a roundish crown of dark green leaves. They come in various shades, including white, pink, or variegated, and they always look beautiful.

During the holiday season, you can easily buy Poinsettias almost anywhere, in various sizes, and it's a pleasure to put them out at home or give them as gifts. But have you thought about how many ways you could use them as Christmas decorations? Here are some suggestions:


A poinsettia looks good almost everywhere

A poinsettia looks good almost everywhere


It's such a beautiful plant that, in fact, it looks good almost anywhere. And even better if we take the time to place it in a well-designed vase. Metallic-toned ones are ideal if we'll be placing them next to decorations or on furniture in a more modern style.

West Coast Gardens

West Coast Gardens

And it's not a bad idea to put Poinsettias in wooden planters, even along with other seasonal plants that complement their red coloring.

Christmas stars on the dining table

Christmas stars on the dining table


If you haven't prepared a centerpiece for the dining table but have a beautiful Poinsettia in a decent-looking pot, you can use this wonderful plant for this purpose.



This centerpiece idea also works with smaller Poinsettias arranged in a row in the middle of the table, each with its coordinated vase.

Poinsettias on the stairs

Poinsettias on the stairs


If you have stairs in your home, it can look really nice if you are able to place pots of Poinsettias on each step (or on every other step).



Let's not forget the beauty of these plants in traditional compositions that decorate our home for the holidays, such as garlands to be placed along the stairs or elsewhere. In this case, perhaps it's more convenient to use artificial ones, which will still make a great impression.

Christmas Stars to decorate the tree

Christmas Stars to decorate the tree

Christmas Star/Pinterest

Poinsettias are perfect for decorating the Christmas tree, with their unmistakable shape standing out among the branches. An unique idea for using the stems of real plants could be what we see here: placing them in a glass jar with water that is secured into position.

Heater Kemp/Pinterest

Heater Kemp/Pinterest

And decorating trees with artificial Poinsettias will also look truly spectacular!

A handmade composition using Christmas Stars

A handmade composition using Christmas Stars


For those who want to try their hand at creating compositions with the branches of real plants (but also with artificial ones!), combining Poinsettias with magnolia leaves - as in this beautiful pyramidal creation - is an alternative idea to using a regular Christmas tree!


Around the fireplace, or at the base of the tree

Around the fireplace, or at the base of the tree

Christmas Star/Pinterest

Another area of the house where Poinsettia plants always look beautiful is certainly near the fireplace or the stove. And then, as gifts begin to pile up under the Christmas tree, adding Poinsettia plants creates the perfect atmosphere!

Have you already decided where you will place your Poinsettias?
