How to prevent termites invading in your home with 5 simple natural remedies

by Mark Bennett

November 28, 2023

How to prevent termites invading in your home with 5 simple natural remedies

With the onset of winter, the climate changes, and along with this, the types of insects around also vary: if during the summer the main concern is annoying mosquitoes, now we have to deal with stink bugs and, in some cases, termites.

Amongst these pests, termites are certainly the most formidable: their presence inside the house could be much more than a nuisance and represent a real problem. That's why we have decided to compile a guide for you, containing the most effective natural remedies to keep termites at bay!

A termite problem and the first two remedies

A termite problem and the first two remedies

Marco Vinci/Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0

Termites are attracted to cellulose, which they consume voraciously, and the problem is that this polymer is present not only in wood, but also in materials like drywall. Termites can eat and hollow out wood at a rate exceeding 5 grams per day! They can easily and quickly reach electrical cables and other more "delicate" structural parts of the home. The consequences of this can be significant, and what's worse is that their presence is often difficult to detect until a piece of furniture in the house collapses. However, here are the ingredients capable of keeping these insidious creatures away:

Neem and orange oils: Both of these oils have the characteristic of drying out the exoskeletons of termites. In simple terms, as these insects live in humid environments, they will be drained of their energy and moisture and eventually perish. Sprinkle/spray these oils in a small or moderate-sized areas where you suspect the creatures or nesting, or place them in strategic access points to your home.

Nematodes: These are microscopic parasites, or worms, that you can handle thanks to certain products containing a large quantity of them. Spray the nematodes where you suspect termites to be. Since these worms are natural enemies of termites, they will do the dirty work for you, getting rid of the problem!

But these are not the only solutions; let's explore some others together:


Other natural methods to keep termites away

Other natural methods to keep termites away


Both for prevention and the elimination of termites, we also suggest the following natural remedies. Keep in mind that these solutions are ideal for preventing the arrival of these annoying insects and for eliminating them only when present in small numbers:

Vinegar and Lemon: Applying a mixture of vinegar and lemon after cleaning will significantly help in keeping termites away, as they will be repelled by the odors of substances that are deadly to them. The acidity of this solution is capable of killing termites without damaging wooden furniture!

Boric Acid: Another powerful ally against various types of insects is powdered boric acid. This ingredient can disrupt their nervous systems, leading to the elimination of the problem. Sprinkle the powder in the most at-risk areas and repeat the procedure for several consecutive days. However, be careful with your pets; this powder could cause them discomfort if used in large quantities.

An ideal solution for outdoors

An ideal solution for outdoors

Mighty Mint store/Amazon

The best way to protect your home from termintes this is to mark off the entire perimeter of your property with diatomaceous earth. Let's see what it is:

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a powdery substance, also known as fossil flour, whose compounds quickly dehydrates termites, killing them. Sprinkle DE generously around the perimeter of your home (and access points), and don't worry: this powder is completely non-toxic for animals and humans.

So, if you're concerned about the arrival of insects like ants or, even worse, termites, don't hesitate to use one of these remedies: the results could really surprise you!
