5 irresistible houseplants for all vegetation lovers

A plant that reminds you of meringues or a cascade of hearts or which even looks like a colorful Carnival costume: in the world of green vegetation, you can have plants that look like these wonders of nature.
And you don't have to have a green thumb to enjoy these plants: with one exception, they are all easy to cultivate!
Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Chameleon'

Introduced in 2019, this plant quickly became the object of desire for many keen gardeners. It is a variegated Zamioculcas: the "original" plant was already very popular, but this one with its green and yellow leaves and visible veins, is highly sought after. It is also very easy to take care of: it needs very little water and can thrive in poorly lit areas (but not in total dark!).
To ensure they thrive, the temperature should never drop below 15°C. Also avoid direct exposure to sunlight and over-watering them.
Pothos 'Lemon Meringue' (Epipremnum aureum 'Lemon Meringue')
The name says it all: it is a pothos, which is comonly found in homes and offices, because it needs little care and can thrive in poorly lit spots... And this variety produces leaves in soft, lemon-yellow shades - just like a meringue (from which it takes its captivating name).
These plants grow quite quickly, so at the end of winter it may be time to transplant them to bigger containers to allow their roots to expand.
Peperomia Hope (Peperomia deppeana quadrifolia)
With a name containing the word "hope", welcoming this variety into your home could be a good move! A hybrid (from the crossing of P. dappeana with P. quadrifolia), Peperomia Hope is a compact plant, with round, fleshy leaves decorated with very light, thin veins. It prefers bright spots and should be watered only when the soil dries out.
Spotted Begonia, or Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia maculata)
Depending on where you live, when talking about begonias, this can mean slightly different species. But when white polka dots are mentioned, then it is clear which species it is: Begonia maculata. This Brazilian plant is, however, not for beginners: in fact it requires a lot of care, especially due to the fact that it needs very humid and hot conditions to grow in. This means that it is difficult to create the perfect conditions for this plant to thrive in.
However, if you do manage to look after it properly, it will produce long, emerald green leaves with brilliant silver-white polka dots. The underside of the leaves is red, and the flowers bloom in small, white, beautiful groupings.
Sweetheart Plant (Hoya kerrii)

The common name of the Hoya (which comes from Thailand) - sweetheart - comes from the shape of the leaves, which look just like green hearts. As a seedling or cutting, the heart-shape is typically all you can see.
But don't worry, even when the plant matures, it doesn't lose its hearts: they simply form a cascade from the planter they are in! This plant is easy to propogate from its leaves and makes for perfect gifts!
Which of these plants would you like to have in your home?