Blocked toilet: the steps to take to try to solve this problem

by Mark Bennett

September 30, 2023

Blocked toilet: the steps to take to try to solve this problem

There are many problems that can arise at home, but few are as horrible as a blocked toilet. When the toilet or a drain is blocked, we need to deal with it as soon as possible.

For example, in the case of a blockage in the shower drain (perhaps caused by hair), it can help to insert a hand-made probe to clear the blockage. But before doing something similar for the blocked toilet, it is best to drain the bowl first. So how should we proceed to clear a blocked toilet?


Blocked toilet: proper preparation is key

Blocked toilet: proper preparation is key


Since it's going to be a messy job, it's best to prepare for this. In addition to dressing in old clothes that we will probably throw in the washing machine immediately afterwards, we also need to arrange some "protection" for the floor: all around the toilet, therefore, lay down some old tea towels, rags, ruined towels and any other similar item that you can then easily wash afterwards in order to soak up any leakage.

It goes without saying that it is also best to wear shoes that have good grips to avoid injuries.

Equip yourself with long rubber gloves, a toilet plunger, and then the various types of substances or detergents that may be right for you. Read on to see how to proceed:


Methods to try to clear a blocked toilet

Methods to try to clear a blocked toilet

Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

There are various methods to try, and certainly some products specifically suited to unclogging toilets, the super effective chemical ones, would be ideal to do this job quickly: but it is also true that the most effective substances are those that can only be handled by professionals, given which are highly dangerous for our health.

So, given this, why not try alternative remedies that could still be right for us?

Start by trying to mechanically/manually move the blockage. For this, put on gloves, place the rubber suction of the plunger firmly on the drain at the bottom of the toilet bowl and then begin to push and pull, slowly and then faster and faster. It is this suction mechanism that often manages to unblock, or at least move a little, the material that is creating the obstruction.

Sometimes this is sufficient, but often you have to continue with other methods. You can use a little dish detergent: pour a half-full glass into the bowl, wait just about ten minutes and then flush the toilet. Detergent is able to dissolve fats and perhaps will succeed in this case too. Follow the procedure of using the toilet plunger again.

A pot of very hot water, or from a kettle, can help. And you can also use hot water together with dish soap. Pour in all the very hot water, then also the soap; wait 20 minutes and flush the toilet. Again, continue using the toilet plunger.

Similarly, you can pour a couple of glasses of white vinegar along with the hot water. A combination of these methods is often all that is needed to unblock your toilet!

If all this doesn't solve the problem, it's time to call a plumber - but at least you tried!
