Washing shoes in the washing machine: useful tips for a perfect result

As a result of wearing them, any pair of shoes ends up getting dirty and it is not always enough to clean them by hand: you sometimes need to use the washing machine, but how can you do this without damaging your shoes? Well, you just need to heed a few tips to avoid any mishaps.
Generally speaking sneakers, shoes made from canvas, or those with uppers made with nylon or polyester can be machine-washed. However, if there are inserts in leather or other delicate fabrics (lace, for example) or decorations with sequins or rhinestones, it is best to hand wash these types of shoes.
Precautions for machine-washing shoes

Using a protective net bag for all shoes being machine-washed is recommended. And there are even special shoe net washing bags available on the market (which are also useful as carry-cases for shoes when traveling).
Before washing your shoes in the washing machine, you need to remove the bulk of the dirt first: bang the shoes together to dislodge any dirt, dust or mud and finish the job with a soft-bristled brush.
If the shoes have removable insoles, take these out and wash them separately. You could also put these in a net bag, if they are the type that can be machine-washed. Otherwise, wash them by hand with laundry or Marseille soap and maybe a little bicarbonate, leaving them to soak for a while before rinsing .
For the laces: if they are not too dirty, you can put them in the net bag with the shoes. But if they are very dirty, it is best to wash these by hand too.
When machine-washing, choose a delicate, cold cycle (or 20 degrees max). Also, set a low spin cycle. Only use liquid detergents, not powders, and in small quantities.
Other useful tips for washing shoes in the washing machine

- Magic Eraser: If you have a magic eraser, these are the most effective for erasing dark marks from the rubber of the soles, or from around the edges. Remember that these erasers must be wet and wrung out before rubbing them on the surface to be cleaned.
- Mild bleach: this can be used instead of a detergent (or in combination with it), without risk of discoloring your shoes.
- No net wash bags? Use old towels: these will also help to cushion the blows and limit the stress on your shoes in the washing machine. They will also help you clean your shoes even better!
- To avoid the noise of shoes banging around in the drum, you can try a popular online tip: trap the laces in the door when closing it. Leave enough of the laces so that the shoes hang in the center of the drum on the inside.
Great work!