Salt under the mattress and other remedies to combat humidity at home

How often have we heard of so-called "grandma's remedies"? These "home-spun" tips of wisdom can often be extremely useful in solving problems we have at home which have proved to be intractable.
Take problems with mold and humidity for example: who has never had to deal with this at home? The causes and solutions can vary, but one thing is for certain: we don't always have to resort to buying special products to solve these issues. With a little ingenuity, we can resolve these problems - especially in the bedroom.

Sleeping in a healthy environment is crucial for our well-being. We usually spend many hours in the bedroom and, given that good sleep is essential for good health, it goes without saying that the environment should be clean and hygienic.
And this is where simple products can help us out. Salt is one of these: all of us have salt in the kitchen, but what if we told you that it can also be used in bedroom: to be precise, under the mattress!

That's right: putting a little rock salt under the mattress we sleep on can be a really good tip. The reason? Its properties are well known for combatting humidity and preventing mold, purifying the air, absorbing odors and more. In addition to placing salt under the mattress, you can also use it as a moisture absorber for wet clothes, which will dry faster. In any room of the house where there is humidity, you can place a bag with rock salt in it in the vicinity, and the results will not disappoint you.
Salt is can really help keep the of damp and mold out of bedrooms, but by itself, it may not always be sufficient. This is why it is good to keep in mind a few other precautions to guarantee a sufficiently dry and healthy bedroom (and other locations):
- Do not keep damp or wet cloths in the room; hang them up outside or, if necessary, in another room (which is not the bedroom);
- Ventilate the room properly: allow fresh air and sunshine to get into the room;
- Remove any mold or damp spots as soon as they form, without painting over them. To do this, use bleach or hydrogen peroxide.
These tips, as explained, are also good for environments other than the bedroom: if we find mold and humidity in another room of the house, you can always use salt and hydrogen peroxide to solve the problem. Grandma's remedies are a useful body of experiential knowledge, so why not give them a try?