A handy tip to effectively remove oil stains from clothes

by Mark Bennett

June 08, 2023

A handy tip to effectively remove oil stains from clothes

Oil and grease stains are a real pain, because removing them is very difficult. In shops, there is a very wide choice of products specifically formulated for this purpose, but often the stains are so stubborn they just can't be removed.

Before giving up or resorting to using the services of a laundry, think again - did you do everything possible? Maybe you didn't use the right product, or maybe you didn't follow cleaning instructions properly.

In fact, there is an effective method to remove oil stains from our clothes forever and this method uses two cheap and ecologically-friendly products. Let's find out together what they are:



First of all, remember that the fundamental rule in removing any type of stain - and especially grease/oil ones - is to act quickly. Immediately dab a fresh stain with absorbent paper, without rubbing (so that it does not spread on the fabric), then proceed as follows:

  • Put two tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl and add some white vinegar to form a creamy gel;
  • Wait for the effervescence reaction to finish, then apply the paste to the stain;
  • Leave this to act for an hour, then remove the excess;
  • Proceed with a regular wash, remembering not to set a temperature that is too high, as the heat could seal the stain;
  • If at the end of the wash, you still notice traces of the stain, repeat all these steps a second time;
  • Air dry the garment when the stain has completely disappeared.

There are also some other very effective natural remedies:

  • Talcum powder or cornstarch: applying these products on the fresh stain and leaving them to act for a few hours, will draw out the stain completely;
  • Ironing: place a paper food bag on the stain and pass an iron over it. The heat will transfer the stain from the fabric to the paper;
  • Carbonated (fizzy) drinks: before washing, soak the fabric for a few hours in a basin of water containing two glasses of a carbonated drink; the carbon dioxide the drink will help remove the stain;
  • Lemon juice: rub the juice delicately on the stain, soak it in water and detergent and then proceed with a regular wash;
  • Dishwashing detergent: apply it on the fabric which has been moistened with cold water and, after a few minutes, scrub both sides with a toothbrush. Rinse and proceed with a regular wash.

How do you remove oil and grease stains?
