Want to keep your taps shiny? The trick is to use petroleum jelly (vaseline)

by Mark Bennett

February 25, 2023

Want to keep your taps shiny? The trick is to use petroleum jelly (vaseline)

We use the taps in the house frequently every day, and perhaps we are also careful to keep them in excellent condition. But sooner or later, traces of limescale and dirt return. And it seems to take no time at all for limescale stains to reappear and take the sheen off our stainless steel or chrome taps.

How can we help ourselves in this ongoing fight against limescale? There are tips you can try, and one that is really simple is to use petroleum jelly (commonly known as vaseline).

via https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Video Tutorial via come cucinare/YouTube

Video Tutorial via come cucinare/YouTube

To show us how to do this, there is a video on Youtube you can watch (and a link is provided below).

Of course, everything starts with cleaning the taps: in the video, the tap is already clean. There are only a few drops of water on it. In this case, all one has to do is wet a microfiber cloth in water, wring it out well, and wipe it all over the tap to prepare it for the next steps.

If, on the other hand, you find yourself with a tap that needs more attention, before using the vaseline, you will need to clean it properly: vinegar, or lemon or citric acid can be used to do this.

How to apply the vaseline:

The vaseline must only be spread on a clean, dry surface.

Equip yourself with some toilet paper (or a microfiber cloth), and dry all the parts of the tap thoroughly.

Now, take a teaspoon and scoop up a small amount of vaseline from the jar: using the teaspoon, dab small amounts of the vaseline over the entire tap. Don't overdo it: the aim is to leave only a thin film of vaseline on the tap.

Now take some toilet paper and use it to spread the vaseline with quick movements, just like you were polishing the tap. Keep doing this until all the streaks are gone and the tap is perfectly shiny.

You can see each step shown in greater detail in the video, where you will also see how the vaseline layer makes the metal hydrophobic. Limescale won't form again anytime soon. And if you keep watching the video, you'll find out how to use vaseline on your stove too!

Ready to try this vaseline tip?
