Keep this product close to hand to keep your LCD screens and displays clean

by Mark Bennett

February 23, 2023

Keep this product close to hand to keep your LCD screens and displays clean

We make daily use of various electronic devices, and so, these must be periodically cleaned properly. Precisely because these are instruments with delicate insides, easily damaged by humidity, this cleaning must be done with the upmost care.

We are talking about, for example, of the screen of a television or computer, and also of the display of a smartphone or tablet. Devices like this - especially those with touch-screens - do not get dirty only from dust, but also with the oil from our fingers, or the dirt in the pockets, backpacks and bags in which we carry them. So, how can we keep the screens on these devices clean and bright? In reality, only one product is needed. Read on to find out more:

via lynsey_queenofclean/Instagram



We can see in an Instagram video how easy this technique is: @lynsey_queenofclean's account shows us how.

What is needed:

  • A spray bottle
  • Water (she doesn't specify it, but distilled water is best)
  • Denatured alcohol or isopropyl alcohol
  • A clean microfiber cloth

You will have already guessed how to proceed:

  • Fill the spray bottle halfway with water;
  • Fill the other half with the alcohol;
  • Close and shake well;
  • Spray directly on the cloth, without soaking it;
  • Pass the cloth gently over the screen with even movements.

Nothing could be easier, and you can check out the technique demonstrated on video by clicking here.

Alternatively, many use spray products to clean the windows: window cleaning products usually have an alcoholic component, ideal for cleaning surfaces that should not come into contact with water (or other liquids).

For quick cleaning, even just a drop of pure alcohol on a cloth can suffice.

As for the cloth, microfiber ones are always the best because they do not leave lint (but you could also use special cloths used exclusively for cleaning glass). What do you think about these cleaning tips?
