How to clean the blackened bottoms of pots and pans using two natural products

by Mark Bennett

February 02, 2023

How to clean the blackened bottoms of pots and pans using two natural products

Some types of pots and pans, even new ones, tend to blacken on the outside and bottoms and immediately start to look old and shabby. It is certainly not feasible to replace them just because of this. For a pot to become unusable takes much longer.

But it is true that blackening of a pot or pan can make it seem like it is dirty (even if this is not the case).

There are, however, some tips which, by using natural products, you can keep the bottoms of your pots and pans looking decent for longer. Read on to find out more:



The natural ingredients usually most used for this purpose are vinegar and baking soda. Both are well-known to be used for tough cleaning jobs. And this is due to the fact that they have excellent cleaning and abrasive properties. And to clean blackening of the bottom of your pots and pans, you can give them a try:

  • Vinegar: as far as vinegar is concerned, just pour it neat (preferably heated) onto the bottom of the pan and leave it for a while to act. Then, scrub away the black stains with the abrasive side of a sponge and rinse off.
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda): you can sprinkle bicarbonate on the bottom of the pot/pan and pour boiling water over it. Let this act for a few minutes and remove the blackening with a sponge and rinse off thoroughly.
  • Vinegar and baking soda: to enhance the cleaning power of both ingredients, you can mix them. Pour some heated vinegar onto the bottom pot/pan to be cleaned. Add baking soda to this. Thanks to the chemical reaction, a foam will form which, if left to act for a few minutes, will help you to remove the blackening very easily. At this point, you just have to rinse off the pot/pan.

Have every tried one of these remedies? If the answer is no, give it a bash!
