Do you need to clean the radiators? Find out how to do this without spreading dust everywhere

by Mark Bennett

January 02, 2023

Do you need to clean the radiators? Find out how to do this without spreading dust everywhere

They are always areas in our rooms that we forget to clean. This is true about the radiators and we should clean them before they come back into use for winter. But with their irregular shapes, radiators are not the easiest objects to clean.

So, to do this without going crazy, and without spreading dust and dirt everywhere, we can help ourselves by following some useful tips:



The first thing to do is prepare the working area, the walls, floor and surrounding surfaces: take some old rags, old sheets or towels and moisten them using a little water. Position them under the radiators you want to clean, and immediately behind them on the wall. For example, if the radiator is located under a window, place a strip of fabric on the windowsill, hold it in place with a heavy object, and let it drap down behind the radiator (to protect the wall).

At this point, take a hair dryer, turn it to maximum power (on the cold setting), and aim it into the various slots of the radiator. This will dislodge loose dirt and dust which will be "captured" by the moistened cloths arranged around, behind and below the radiator.

If there is dirt that is more difficult to remove, use rags which you can tie a knot into. Then insert the knot into the openings and move it up and down in the difficult-to-reach nooks and crannies (the knot will prevent the rag slipping out).

Some old socks can also come in handy, especially soft and thick ones: you can cover the end of a stick with an old sock, which can then be used to get into the various crevices.

Before finishing, give the radiator one more pass with the hair dryer. Then, off to the washing machine with the damp cloths and rags you used!
