Entertain the children by making fake snow at home using only two ingredients

The Christmas holidays always make us think of snowy landscapes and snowmen, even if not everyone lives in places where it snows. But no matter where you live, if you want to use snow for some DIY project, what can you do? Well, we have the solution!
There is a very simple, very quick and practically zero-cost method to create fake snow using only two ingredients that probably already have at home. Read on to find out more:
via @mrs.b.tv/TikTok

This is a very popular method to make fake snow and is explained in a quick tutorial from @mrs.b.tv TikTok account.
All that is needed is:
- Sodium bicarbonate;
- Hair conditioner.
Obviously, you will also need a container in which to mix the ingredients: a plate or a bowl should suffice.
As you can see in the tutorial video, it only takes a moment to prepare this fake snow.
- Pour 1 tablespoon of hair conditioner into the container;
- Add 6 tablespoons of baking soda;
- Mix with your hands until you get a paste that resembles texture of snow.
If you want to increase the amount of snow, keep this ratio (6 tablespoons of baking soda for each spoonful of hair conditioner). Nothing, however, prevents you from increasing the amounts of conditioner or baking soda a little to experiment with different textures. According to the TikTokker, the given formula will allow you to shape objects without them crumbling.
These are safe ingredients, and the conditioner smells great too: but obviously, make sure it's a colorless conditioner, otherwise you'll lose the desired snowy effect. Furthermore, since it is a non-digestable product, it is always best to keep this fake snow away from the reach of young children.
Ready to play with some homemade, fake snow?