Never be unprepared: 8 things to take with you when you leave your house

by Mark Bennett

December 22, 2022

Never be unprepared: 8 things to take with you when you leave your house

Bags, backpacks, shoulder bags, fanny packs or even simply the pockets of jackets and various clothes: every time we leave the house we always carry something with us in these "containers". It can be keys, money, a mobile phone, etc, but there are also many other objects that are worth carrying with you "just in case".

Identity documents, emergency contact details, blood type and similar useful information should always be available - even if we hope we will never have to use them. So, what are the items we often forget to bring with us? Below you will find some useful information in this regard:



Lip balm: it is important to always have some lip balm or chapstick with you. It can also help with chapped hands in the winter. And in fact, another item that is often needed - especially in the cold season - is a little hand cream.



A packet of tissues: maybe you don't use them every day, but there always comes a time when they come in handy while we're out and about. And if you don't want to waste  plastic, an option could be to buy tissues that come in cardboard boxes and then transferring some to a pocket in your bag.



Hand sanitizer: when you don't have time to wash your hands before eating a snacks or meal, this is always very useful.



Water and a snack: for your water, use an aluminum flask (which is also very useful for carrying hot and cold drinks). As for snacks, depending on your needs and tastes, it's always best to have something nutritious with you that can help in times of low energy: try dried fruit as a snack.



Having some medications with you that can help with some of the more common types of pain (headaches, stomach pain and similar) is really useful, especially if you happen to feel unwell at times when it is difficult to find an open pharmacy.



Earbuds or headphones: we live in a world where having a smartphone with you is essential, and we can't always make phone calls, listen to audio or view multimedia content without ambient noises disturbing us. So, it's best to carry earbuds or headphones with you in your travels.



Power bank: if you need to recharge your smartphone but there are no power outlets around, a power bank can be extremely useful.

What other items do you always take with you when you leave the house?
