Musty smell from your throws and blankets? Eliminate it with these simple and natural tips

by Mark Bennett

November 03, 2022

Musty smell from your throws and blankets? Eliminate it with these simple and natural tips

When the cold weather arrives, it is time to remove throws and blankets from the wardrobe to keep our beds warm at night and sofas comfortable during the day. From the first days of September, when the leaves begin to change color on the trees and the temperatures begin to drop, we begin to dream of the moments that we will spend curled up on the sofa or in bed, under our warm blankets with a hot chocolate, a good book or a good movie.

However, when you remove blankets and throws from the wardrobe, you may notice an annoying smell of mustiness. After all those months inside the closet, this is quite normal. But how do you eliminate this odor? Certainly, you can air them out in the sunshine. But if you want an even better result, you can use some simple tips to do this.



  • Dry cleaning: if you want dry clean your blankets, you can use sodium bicarbonate: sprinkle it over the entire surface of the blanket (laid out flat), let it act for two hours and then vacuum up. Repeat the operation on the other side.
  • With water: if you prefer to use liquid solutions, there are many options. In fact, you can create mixes to put in a spray bottle which you then spray on the blanket (without soaking it). Let the blanket dry before proceeding with the other side of the blanket. For this purpose, you can use lemon juice, a few drops of your favorite essential oil or apple cider vinegar.
  • You can also choose to create an anti-odor spray which is used as described above. In a spray bottle, put in half a glass of apple cider vinegar, the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of bicarbonate, diluted with water and stir until the bicarbonate is completely dissolved. Spray on one side at a time and let the blanket dry out thoroughly.
  • An alternative cleaning methods involves the use of Marseille soap. But in this case, you will need to completely wet the blanket. So, this method is only recommended if the blanket is very smelly. Dissolve some Marseille soap in hot water and let the blanket soak in it for a few hours. After rinsing, the blanket will be scented and also softer.

Now you are ready to enjoy a warmer winter!
