Hiding precious objects and spare keys: 5 foolproof methods to consider

by Mark Bennett

October 05, 2022

Hiding precious objects and spare keys: 5 foolproof methods to consider

How many times have you been locked out of the house with the keys inside? And how many have you been forced to call a locksmith to resolve the situation? Or maybe it happened to you that you needed to send someone around to your house while you were away? In these cases, it would be useful to have a hiding place for a spare key - a hidden place known only to you but easily accessible by others. It may also be that we want to keep some precious (or dangerous) object away from our kids hands.

In all these cases, there are several tips and tricks that can help us. Let's see some of them together:


1. The garden hose

1. The garden hose

Household Hacker/YouTube

One way to hide your spare key is to put it in the garden hose; no one will ever think of looking there. Doing this is very simple and requires only a few components. Find the ideal place to place it and dig a hole in the ground to insert the pipe. Then connect the fitting, gluing one end to the outer wall of the house and closing the other end with a plug to which you have tied the key. The pipe will thus appear to enter the house and will be perfectly camouflaged. For the full tutorial, you can watch this video on YouTube.


2. A book

Who does not have a shelf full of books at home? You can create a secret compartment inside one of your books, in which to hide money and other precious objects. And if you don't have any books, you can easily use CDs or DVD covers (or an old collection of videotapes).

3. Jars of pasta, cereals or legumes

How about a jar of pasta, cereals or legumes in the kitchen instead? Who would ever go rummaging in the food? Just put the food in a fairly large glass jar and, in the center, insert a used roll of toilet paper. You will now have a hidden space in which to store keys, money or valuables.

4. Electrical outlets

This item works indoors and outdoors; you can buy a fake electrical socket in which to hide precious objects or, in the case of an external socket, a spare key for emergencies.

5. Flower pots and flower beds

Flowerpots are perhaps a bit too well known as hiding places, but there is an alternative way to hide a spare key or other precious objects: fake stones that have a container attached to them. Passers-by will only notice a stoine in an earthen pot or in a flower bed and will never imagine that this very normal-looking stone actually hides a small treasure.

What tricks have you come up with to hide your precious items?
