8 golden rules to select shoes suitable for every occasion

It is well known that the fashion world has its own rules and its own labels / brand names. The footwear industry has these too, and knowing some fundamentals can help you choose the right pair of shoes with more knowledge and less doubt. The occasions of use are very important in every area of fashion. Understanding this means always knowing what, how and when to wear a certain garment.
For shoes, this is especially true because, on their own, they have the power to complete, enhance or destroy a look. Having established that fashion is also freedom, having the opportunity to discover stylistic errors can only improve our everyday lives. Here are some basic tips:
Shoes and the workplace
A fundamental consideration of use to be taken into account when choosing shoes is the working environment. The office, in particular, usually requires a certain dress code. But there are offices that have different rules when it comes to types of dress code.
A formal and conservative working environment - such as a law firm or notary, or anything that has to do with the administrative sphere - will favor a more sober dress code. So, yes to classic shoes with heels and toes. For these environments, you need shoes which are elegant but inconspicuous, in neutral colors and materials.
Flat shoes are also OK for this environment - like ballet shoes or moccasins, but always a neutral model, in neutral material and colors.
When the offices in question are, on the other hand, creative and more informal environments, the rules are much less rigid and the way is open to pick bright colors and more fashionable shoes. However, it is better not to overdo this to avoid making a faux pas.
During the day (outside of work), almost everything is allowed, but always taking into account the occasions of use. In general, bright colors, comfortable materials and durable models are recommended for everyday use. And, if you want a little more height, wedges, platforms or perhaps the popular square heels can be worn.
If, on the other hand, you prefer flat shoes, opt for colored moccasins, ballet shes and espadrilles (pumps). It is best to avoid, (at least,during the day), wearing stilettos, rhinestones, sequins and materials such as silk or velvet, (unless you are going to a wedding or some other formal event).
For the evening
For the evening, shoes with high, thin heels with glittering decorations are the recommended footwear type. It is best, however, to be careful not to overdo this, always adapting the shoe to one's outfit, the venue and the occasion.
White and light colors
White or very light-colored shoes - even if they are full length boots or ankle boots - are best worn only in spring / summer, (with a few, rare exceptions, of course).
Balance the mix
The most important ingredient for getting a perfect look is always balance. A skirt that very short, for example, requires a shoes that does not have a very high heel (and vice versa). Similarly, very colorful shoes look better when paired with more neutral colored clothes (and vice versa). The trick is knowing how to strike the right balance.
Sandals and stockings
Stockings worn with the sandals is acceptable practice. Be careful, however, not to mix the colors too much and do not leave any stocking seams in view.
Care and hygiene for shoes
A dirty or damaged shoe will not make a good impression. You should therefore be careful to treat both the insides and outsides of your shoes, cleaning them periodically and keep them looking well cared for. This will also affect the look of your entire outfit and the way you present yourself.
Sneakers / trainers
And finally, we come to the beloved sneakers / trainers. Fortunately, fashion has liberated their use almost everywhere and today they can really be worn for any occassion. The rules to follow in this regard are liberal and always relative to that what we have already said about knowing how to balance one's overall look. Bright colors and patterns are best combined with more neutral outfits and avoid mixing too many colors together. Exceptions are the classic white sneakers with minimal lines, such as those made of canvas, which go well with everything.
In short, the advice is to treat fashion rules as a game and nothing too serious. Either way, have fun.