DIY fabric softener: the recipe to prepare this with 3 simple ingredients

by Mark Bennett

July 23, 2022

DIY fabric softener: the recipe to prepare this with 3 simple ingredients

Although the marketplace offers softeners for every need, we must not forget that these products often contain additives, thickeners, dyes and a whole host of chemicals that are harmful for the environment. This is why resorting to natural alternatives is always recommended. To prepare a DIY fabric softener at home, just a few minutes and simple, common ingredients are needed. This DIY concoction guarantees excellent results, both in terms of softness and fragrance.

The recipe requires the use of only 3 ingredients: citric acid powder (a product widely used in the preparation of DIY household cleaning products), tap water and an essential oil of your choosing. By following the steps listed below, you will be able to make a super-effective product, usable multiple times, and at (almost) zero cost.



Before moving on to making your own fabric softener, get a container with a lid. You can reuse an old liquid detergent bottle or a recycled plastic bottle.

Using a funnel pour into the bottle 700 ml of water and add 4 tablespoons of citric acid. Then close the bottle with the lid tightly and shake the mixture very well. You can buy citric acid powder at herbalist's shops, online, in agricultural consortia, but also in shops that offer natural products. You can find it in resealable jars or in sachets.

All you have to do now is pour about 100 ml of the mixture into the softner dispensing compartment of the washing machine.



Before starting the wash, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (lavendar is the most popular). At this point, set the wash temperature for the garments you intend to wash and start the washing machine.

Speaking of essential oils, you can chose from lavender to rose, from eucalyptus to pine, from vanilla to cinnamon. If you're undecided, try several out until you find the perfect one for your laundry. You will see that after trying this DIY liquid, you will say goodbye to commercially made fabric softeners.

Finally, we advise you to prepare a decent amount of the DIY fabric softener, in order to have it ready to use for multiple washes, thereby avoiding having to do make it every time you need it.
