DIY terrarium: Learn how to turn a glass jar into a delightful, miniature garden

If you love plants, a DIY terrarium could be just for you. These are delightful miniature gardens that allow you to bring flowers and plants into the home, and without taking up too much space. They are a captivating decorative element that does not require a large investment or any specialized gardening skills.
In fact, you can make a terrarium using just a few steps and with easily available (and even recycled) materials, such as glass jars for jam or glass jars in larger dimensions. It is not essential that they have a lid - this depends on the type of terrarium you intend to make and the varieties of plants you select. In any case, once ready, the DIY terrarium does not require much special care and is therefore a perfect solution - even if you do not have much of a green thumb.
Get the equipment and supplies
To make the DIY terrarium you will need: 1 glass jar (with or without lid), soil, activated carbon, moss, pebbles and plants suitable for size for the container. You can also add other decorative details of your chosing.
Select the most appropriate plants
The best plants for a DIY, covered (closed lid) terrarium are those that love humid environments such as ferns, ficus repens and peperomia. If, on the other hand, you want an open terrarium (no lid), you can safely insert aloe, cactus and a variety of succulents of your chosing. Obviously, also consider their potential growth dimensions which must be suited for the space available.
Prepare the base soil of the DIY terrarium
Thoroughly clean the jar you intend to use as a container, then start make up the bottom soil layer by first pouring in pebbles, followed by a layer of moss and activated carbon. At this point, you can add the soil as well. If the plants do not have special needs, a universal soil will be fine - otherwise ask the shopkeeper for advice.
Place the plants into the terrarium
All you have to do now is move on to potting the plants: gently extract the plants from their containers and plant them one by one into the terrarium's soil, covering the roots properly. Start with the smaller ones, gradually adding the larger ones, and leaving an appropriate amount of space between them.
Add any decorative elements you like
The DIY terrarium is now almost complete: all that remains is to beautify it with some decorations of your chosing. For example, you could add wooden animals, bark, fairies, mushrooms, cottages and anything else your imagination jumps to. So, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is get the materials you need to create your own beautiful miniature garden, (which is also a perfect gift idea).