DIY cleaning products: are essential oils safe and suitable for all types of floors?

Cleaning the home is a tiresome chore that, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. To do this cleaning, some use expensive commercial cleaning products, while others go for more all-natural, cheaper alternatives.
Amongst the possible all-natural alternatives available, are essential oils. These oils are compounds of vegetal origin which give off their fragrances and perfumes at room temperature - and can also be used to clean and perfume certain surfaces the home: flooring, in particular.
But are essential oils really safe and suitable for all types of floors? Let's find out:
Essential oils and different types of flooring

formulatehealth/Wikimedia Commons
Essential oils can be incredibly useful in cleaning floors and can have numerous benefits: in fact, there are many essential oils that have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Some, for example lemon or orange oils, also have degreasing properties which are useful in removing stains and grime. Furthermore, the pleasant aromas of these oils can be beneficial for your well-being: lavender oil, for example, is an excellent relaxant; citrus fruits are energizing and balsamic oils are good for the respiratory system.
For more robust floors such as those in ceramic, porcelain or stoneware, essential oils are effective cleaners when used together with vinegar for a sanitizing and degreasing action. But are essential oils safe and effective on delicate floors? Let's find out:

Terracotta floors
Long used only in rural buildings, terracotta is now increasingly more popular these days due to its natural, decorative appearance. Made by baking clay, terracotta is used for internal and external surfaces. However, its high porosity requires careful maintenance and particular attention to staining. Terrcotta should not be washed with aggressive detergents or vinegar-based solutions.
You can clean terracotta floors with essential oils: for normal cleaning, a few drops in a bucket of warm water will be enough; for a more thorough cleaning, you can add a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate to the water.

Laminated and parquet floors
Laminated and parquet flooring materials are both made of wood and, although the former is a much more resistant and long-lasting, both are very porous materials and vulnerable being damaged by water and humidity. For normal cleaning, you can use a well wrung-out cloth, dampened with water and a few drops of essential oil; for a more thorough cleaning and/or to eliminate stains, you can prepare a solution with 50 ml of white vinegar and a spoonful of Marseille soap in 4 liters of water, adding 30 drops of an essential oil you prefer. It is essential that the floor rag is wrung out properly to prevent water-related damage occuring.

Marble floors
A very delicate natural stone due to its porosity and vulnerable to acids, marble is highly appreciated for its elegant and refined appearance. To clean marble, you can use essential oils added to a bucket of warm water or prepare a DIY detergent with water, Marseille soap, bicarbonate, denatured alcohol and essential oil for deep cleaning.
What is your favorite essential oil for cleaning the floors?